The new openQRM + Proxmox Solution aims to simplify and automate your cloud computing and deployment endeavours so that your business can focus on other important tasks. This solution includes a Proxmox program image, a select handful of openQRM plugins, including the new ATU Provisioning Plugin, and also a whopping 200 hours of consultation and support!
- openQRM Commercial licence
- Proxmox licence
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openQRM + Proxmox Solution
$16290.89 AUD
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Available AddOns
- Cloud Marketplace Plug-In
- AWS EC2 Plug-In
- Cloud Zones Plug-In
- Wake-on-Lan Plug-In
- OpenStack Plug-In
- Ansible Plug-In
- Clonezilla Plug-In
- ESXi Bulk Install Plug-In
- Image Shelf Plug-In
- Windows Plug-In
- Docker Plug-In
- High-Availability Plug-In
- IPMI Plug-In
- Role Administration Plug-In
- LDAP Plug-In
- Ceph Storage Plug-In
- Citrix XenServer Plug-In
- Open vSwitch Plug-In